1. Tends to rub against you and in between your legs.

You often see your cat rub its face and whiskers against your wall or furniture and also the same way to they rub against you and in between your legs _ well they are marking their territory leaving their scent on their ‘ area’ this is simply a compliment because it should they love where they live and feel safe and secure.

2. Hissing and growling

This is an obvious one,once you see/ hear your cat hissing or growling automatically you know it’s not all good ,they are either annoyed ,frightened or angry .You need to understand that they want to be left alone and you should probably listen before they become more aggressive


If you hear your cat give out a howl /yowl he /she is in a bad state or in some distress . Probably in pain ,stuck and at that time they could be searching for a mate

4.Not covering their poop

Cats are always self-sufficient and they are great at self care and self love but once you note they are not covering their poop in a litter box suddenly,it could mean they are upset with you or they don’t like their litter

5.Laying all over your staff

This behavior can be a little bit annoying as they tend to leave fur all over your staff like clothes, beddings _ but simply they are seeking for your attention .They want to play or want to make their presence felt.

6. Purring

This basically means your cat is comforting him/herself and this helps them relax.

7. Kneading

This is a common behavior where you see your cat knead a pillow / blanket like they are kneading dough .it is simply a comfort mechanism tends to calm them and gives a sense of comfort being at home /around you.

8. Sleeping or lying on your chest /laps

This is another sign they are feeling comfortable being around you . Your warmth comforts them . Basically they are telling you they trust you and feel protected .They are just trying to show you love