Are you thinking of adding a furry friend to your family and you have kids around?
There are vast benefits of having furry friends around kids as it increases self-esteem, cooperation nurturing skills &most of all creation of an unconditional bond that brings joy to your entire family.

But before you bring home your furry friend. There are important simple rules that you and your kids need to understand & follow to avoid injuries such as bites and scratches .
Important thing to rem is that dogs are pack animals and live according to a social hierarchy, that is emehy you must establish every member of the family as an authority figure /pack leader to the dog by everyday simple interactions.

Here are tips guaranteed to keep your children safe and happy while interacting with your pets /Golden rules for keeping your child safe and your animals happy

  • Do not leave your kid unsupervised with an animal .kids are cheeky and might end up yanking the tail /chase the animal which can end up in bites or scratches
  • Never approach any animal when he/she is sleeping , chewing a toy ,eating ,when it is with it’s young ones
  • Always pet an animal gently & softly without pulling or tugging and always pet it from the front
  • Do no make loud noises or sudden moved when approaching an animal.
  • Always ask the owner or an adult before approaching an animal that you a unfamiliar to.
  • Avoid contact with an animal’s waste/litter boxes as it transfer diseases
  • Don’t allow your kids to stand /touch your dog during times of heightened excitement e.g. when eating, barking at a stranger or squirrel in the backyard

Always remember to make your child understand that animals are living creatures and should be careful & treated with empathy & respect . Animals have needs & feeling and rely on us as their caregivers for love, care & companionship